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Introducing the process of Colour Analysis

Welcome, dear friends, to the enchanting world of colour analysis!

Today, I'm delighted to share with you the process of discovering your most flattering hues. Colour analysis helps you uncover the colours that illuminate your natural beauty and make you feel your very best.

The colour analysis journey is a delightful and personalized experience that takes you through several essential steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Begin by getting to know you, your unique style goals and expectations. This helps to tailor the analysis to your needs and expectations.

  • Introduction to Colour Theory: Next, I'll share some fascinating insights into the world of colour and how it relates to your personal appearance. This knowledge will enrich your understanding of the analysis process.

  • Skin Tone Assessment: Using my expertise and specialized tool, we carefully evaluate your skin's undertone accurately. This crucial step lays the foundation for identifying your ideal colour palette.

  • Draping Fabric Comparisons: The most exciting part! We drape fabric swatches in different colour tones near your face, observing how they enhance your unique features. This process guides us in curating your personalized seasonal colour palette, one colour tone per season.

  • Makeup and Hair Colour Guidance: With your ideal fashion colours identified, we will move on to provide expert advice on the most complementary makeup and hair colour choices. This ensures a harmonious and cohesive look from head to toe.

  • Personalized Report and Recommendations: You'll receive a detailed guide to your best colours and how to incorporate them into your wardrobe and style after the session. Consider it your personal roadmap to looking and feeling your best!

I believe that colour analysis is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By understanding which colours naturally complement your unique features, you can create a wardrobe that effortlessly enhances your radiance and confidence.

If you're ready to embark on this exciting journey, I would be honoured to guide you. I am dedicated to helping you find the colours that make you shine from within.

Remember, your natural beauty is already there – colour analysis simply helps you amplify it! I can't wait to join you on this delightful adventure of self-discovery and style transformation.

Have a colourful week!~

Warm hugs,

Isabelle xoxo

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