Personal Colour Analysis, also known as Seasonal Colour Analysis or just Colour Analysis, is a specialized method of discovering the colours of clothing, makeup and hair that best complements with a person’s natural skin tone. It is widely used in fashion styling, wardrobe planning and different aspects in the fashion and cosmetics industry.
The history of colour analysis is rich and scientifically grounded. It can be traced back to the early 1900s, when Albert Henry Munsell developed the Munsell Colour System, which laid the groundwork for understanding colour harmony. This was further enriched by Johannes Itten, who introduced the concept of linking colours to the four seasons in his work, "The Art of Colour” in the 1960s. This innovative approach to colour analysis underscored the profound impact of colours on personal appearance and individual style.
Ever since then, Personal Colour Analysis has evolved and diversified across the globe, with various systems emerging in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Korea. For example: Colour Me Beautiful, SciArt, House of Colour, ColourTime, JPCA, Cocory. Each offering unique methodologies and insights into personal colour harmonization.
These days, Personal Colour Analysis has become popular in Youtube, Tiktok, Instagram, where influencers and experts share insights and demonstrations of personal colour analysis, making it more accessible and popular than ever.
Personal Colour Analysis is mainly conducted in a private one on one setting for a deep personal experience. It is also available in group setting here in The PS Colour. The level of details and personalization can vary.
An individual session can dive deep to find out the best colours for every element of your outfit, makeup, hair, accessories and nail. While the group session will help to find out the best colours for several elements, like the outfit and makeup, with a group of like minded people.
The choice between individual and group sessions hinges on one's personal objectives and budget, with different programs available here in The PS Colour to cater to a wide range of needs and preferences.
To learn more about Personal Colour Analysis, access our free resources here and stay tuned for our next blog, in which I will explain about the system we used, the process and the different seasonal tones.
Have a colourful day!~
Lots of love,
Isabelle xoxo